Milk Curve Detailed Report (Group)
The Detailed report (group) presents the milking efficiency per milking group for all the valid cows milked with that group.
Valid milking groups are groups with more than 15 valid cows.
Note: Valid milking groups are groups with more than 15 valid cows; valid cows are only cows with AMT for first attachment ≥ 2.6min
To open the Detailed report (group)
Click View, then select Main Report and Detailed report (group).
The detailed report opens below and displays the milking data per group milked in each session. Select the row in the Milking Curve report to open the detailed session data below:
Indicator |
Description |
Grp |
Group number |
Number of cows |
Value indicates number of cows milked in each group. |
Yield |
Total group yield in the highlighted session. |
Start time |
Group's session starting time. |
End time |
Group's session ending time. |
Milk 2 min |
Milk produced by the group in the first 2 minutes. |
% Milk 2 min. |
Displays the percentage of milk harvested in the first 2 minutes, out of the total milk yield. Note: This header provides data only for those cows with a yield >4 kg and without a second attachment.*Target value:45%. |
Avg % milk 2 min. |
Displays the percentage of milk harvested in the first 2 minutes, out of the total milk yield. Note: This header provides data for all milked cows, including those with a second attachment. |
Displays the Actual Milking Time (from attachment to cluster removal). *Target value: less or equal to Target AMT. |
AMT Target |
Displays the calculated highest expected milking time (claw-on time) according to the farms milk production. |
Flow rate |
0-15 - Flow rate (kg/minute) for the first 15 seconds of milking. 15-30 - Flow rate (kg/minute) between 15-30 seconds of milking. 30-60 - Flow rate (kg/minute) between 30-60 seconds of milking. 60-120 - Flow rate (kg/minute) for the second minute of milking. |
Milk/cow |
Yield divided by number of milked cows. |
Cow/hour |
Total number of milked cows divided by the Milking duration. |
Low Flow Time |
Total time the cows were milked at a low flow rate (<1kg/2.2lbs per minute. Sum of Pre-low flow time and Low flow time at removal). *Target value: less than 1 minute. |
Low flow % |
Percent of time the cows were milked at a low flow rate (<1kg/2.2lbs per minute). *Target value: less than 20%. |
Pre-low flow time |
Time from Start Milking, until flow reached 1kg/2.2lbs per minute. Long Pre-low flow time is an indication of poor preparation of cows for milking. |
Low flow time removal |
Time at the end of the milking once flow rate dropped below 1kg/2.2lbs per minute. Long low flow at removal indicates machine set-up problem (Removal delay too long). |
Milking bimodality |
Displays the number of milked cows that meet the bimodality threshold. |
"Peak" flow rate |
Group's average peak flow rate. |
"Peak time" |
Group's average peak time. |
Multiple Att |
Number of milked cows for which the cluster was attached more than once. |
Unnecessary attach. |
Number of attachments when the amount of milk harvested during the last attachment is below 1kg. |
Irregular take off |
Number of times cluster was manually removed and/or removed after cancellation of ACR. |